Tuesday, October 28, 2008


America has lost 4500 lives and Iraq has lost about 420,000. The war has down slowed our economy, e.g.   so far, the estimated cost of the war is around the mark of $3 trillion and this does not take into account the interests paid to finance the war, costs for caring for the troops that return and the cost it will take to reconstruct Iraq ones the war ends. 

Sadly, if the war is not solved it will be the future generations that will be responsible for caring the burden the war will leave, both socially and financially and a disservice to our troops serving there. 

In addition, as we fail to solve this issue, we will also put ourselves in greater danger as we will not be fighting Al Qaeda but making enemies with the Iraqis who want US out of their country, if we put ourselves in the Iraqis place, what would it mean to have someone invade our country, destroy our economy, cause death and cause displacement of millions?   

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Theoretically Thinking….

There are different reasons why individuals might be against or for the war, I'm against it but if you're for it I'm not gone judge you because it is a much bigger issue than perceived by many.  Put the media's influence aside and make up your mind based on the things we have seen and righteousness.

Reasons for invading Iraq proved to be wrong, yet we chose to remain there…how bizarre? We got attacked during 9/11 but does that make it alright to attack anyone, even if we're not sure they are responsible for attacking us? How many Iraqi civilians have died since the war, does an American civilian death hold superior values over an Iraqi to not consider about their innocent victims?

There is no doubt about the power the US holds, but with this power comes great responsibility and that's where we've failed, to use our power effectively. Even though we can, we have no right to invade anyone without clear proven reasons, and we shouldn't be forcing and telling other nations on how to run their country. Besides, we have enough problems to take care in our own backyard than to go try to solve Iraq's problems.

Our economy has flopped badly, our national debt keeps rising and it's not worth arguing that the war has nothing to do with it. Not only are Iraqi civilians dying but each day we are losing US lives in Iraq, yes those soldiers are serving their country, but are doing them no favor by making them fight a war that shouldn't be fought. Where's the honor in that?    

We all participate in the same common ground on wanting to defeat terrorism and protect ourselves from any potential threats, but war is not always a solution to our problems, Obama said, "As well as talking to our allies, we have to also be prepared to meet and talk to our enemies in order to solve problems before we turn to violence." I think he is right, which is again why he is the candidate for me, I think Obama will restore our International image because at the moment we are being accused of abusing our power by many nations.  


Monday, October 20, 2008

Powell's picking sides!

Wow! Obama is on the vibe; he got endorsed by Republican Gen. Colin Powell, former secretary of state for President Bush and who also happens to be McCain's long time good friend. He said he wouldn't campaign for Obama, but he endorsed him, which to me makes little difference. Is this a key endorsement, I'll let you decide but there are a lot of republicans who aren't happy with Powell?

Obama has said that he will take advices from Powell and since Powell was the one of the main people to lead and start the Iraq war, surely Obama will end it responsibly for those still in doubt.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Conservatives choose a liberal plan for our Banks.

Of the $700 billion bail out plan, $250 billion of it has been used to buy equity stacks in banks. With the frozen credit system, will this be the key to the economic crisis?


Surely for conservatives to turn to this ideological plan, we must have been at the end of the rope. Free market ideas are ideal, but this shows there are times when one must intervene. The plan is to get those top banks running and lending again. While we all want to be rich quickly, I hope banks have learnt enough with the mortgage crises in how and who to lend to in the future.


Now though, we must ask ourselves what it means that the Secretary Treasury will have to approve any new dividends. Will our economy ever be the same or is this the turn to socialism?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bring the troops back home

The disagreement between Obama and McCain over the issue of Iraq troop withdrawal is important and will create the public's perceptions of the next president. Both candidates have been polar opposites before the war and to this day regarding the issue of troop withdrawal. In 2002, as the nation was forming its opinions on the need to invade Iraq, McCain voted for the war, giving President Bush the power to invade Iraq, which the senate now regrets. Obama on the other hand, opposed the war from the start.


Despite our opinions on the war, often we forget about the troops and what they might want, for example returning back home to their friends and families. Even though it is their job to serve the country, because the war is wrong, it is a disservice to them. The troops are there sacrificing their lives because they believe it is their duty to serve and honor the country. Even though they are not forced to be there, the point is that they shouldn't be there fighting a war that is unjust because all the reasons for going there proved to be a mistake, there was no prove of any WMD programs and no Iraq link to 9/11 or Al Qaeda.


 Although this might sound Anti-American, the US may go as far as being viewed as imperialist, wanting to solve other countries' problems before we solve our own national problems. An example would be forcing democracy on countries that don't want it. Back before the war, the Sunni and Shiite religious groups, though politically very different, were living in pseudo-peace when Saddam was in power. When Saddam was in power there were no large scale fights, but with his removal those two fractions started fighting and the Iranians started getting involved to further their own interests and destabilize the region. Even though we went in with the right intentions, alternative measures, such as diplomacy agreement would have been better than the invasion because we aggravated the situation in Iraq, which we ought to end by "encouraging the Iraqi government to step up."


Obama is correct; we should withdrawal our troops, 'with careful pace,' because we are fighting a war we should have never started. McCain takes the issue personal, wants to stay and win the war at all cost, which he has not calculated and he has not offered a strategy to exit. In the long run, McCain's plan could hurt us as we could be there indefinitely.



Monday, October 6, 2008

The Surge is not enough

While some people are happy with the current progression in Iraq with regards to the surge, it is important that we realize that it has not solved the issues, no matter the number, whether 2000 or 1000, our troops are still dying and the war is still significantly affecting us, e.g. look at our economy and our national debt crisis.

Those opposed to the idea of ending this War, such as the McCain campaign argue that "It would be a grave mistake to leave before Al Qaeda in Iraq is defeated." However, the problem with this statement is that there has been no prove or evidence of Al Qaeda in Iraq, there hasn't even been any direct relationship of the two shown. As the Obama campaign says, by concentrating on Iraq, Al Qaeda is getting stronger and rebuilding in southern Afghanistan, which we know for sure Al Qaeda is located there. Shouldn't we direct our energy on something we know for sure rather than on assumptions?

Our initial goal in Iraq was to set up a democratic government, which was accomplished. However, Now the McCain campaign says they intend to stay in Iraq until Iraq has no more threats, however, middle East tensions have gone on for centuries, and does this mean McCain intends to remain in Iraq for centuries too? Please specify me with details regarding to this matter.

Our troops remaining in Iraq has not allowed that government to step forward' and look after their own people, as the Obama campaign states, which I totally agree with.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Is it time to end the war?

It is time we ought to end this ongoing war. We are gaining nothing from it but loosing people's lives and putting the country in crisis. We invaded Iraq looking for weapon of mass destruction, however, we concluded that Iraq had ended its WMD programs back in 1991 and there were no active programs at the time of the invasion. Although at the time it did not seem like it, but rushing into an unnecessary war clearly shows bad judgment on our behalf.


With the economy crisis taking all the attention and focus, the Iraq war has seen it's importance to the campaign diminish. Since the surge, the public is now happy with how the war is progressing, however that is not to change the fact that the majority of the people want to end the war.

The mortgage crisis has had its play in the current economy crisis, but there is no way we can spend at least $800 billion on the war and somehow say that it does not affect the country. We are investing on something that has no direct returns. The Iraq War itself is now the second longest war in the US history and second most costly war since World War II.


Ending the war does not ultimately mean losing it as suggested by those in favor of the war. Ending this war means bringing the troops back home and concentrating on strengthening the US. At the moment we have no direct goal for our presence in Iraq, we are still there and loosing soldiers for literally nothing... making no gains and losing lives. How can ending this crisis be our loss?