Monday, October 6, 2008

The Surge is not enough

While some people are happy with the current progression in Iraq with regards to the surge, it is important that we realize that it has not solved the issues, no matter the number, whether 2000 or 1000, our troops are still dying and the war is still significantly affecting us, e.g. look at our economy and our national debt crisis.

Those opposed to the idea of ending this War, such as the McCain campaign argue that "It would be a grave mistake to leave before Al Qaeda in Iraq is defeated." However, the problem with this statement is that there has been no prove or evidence of Al Qaeda in Iraq, there hasn't even been any direct relationship of the two shown. As the Obama campaign says, by concentrating on Iraq, Al Qaeda is getting stronger and rebuilding in southern Afghanistan, which we know for sure Al Qaeda is located there. Shouldn't we direct our energy on something we know for sure rather than on assumptions?

Our initial goal in Iraq was to set up a democratic government, which was accomplished. However, Now the McCain campaign says they intend to stay in Iraq until Iraq has no more threats, however, middle East tensions have gone on for centuries, and does this mean McCain intends to remain in Iraq for centuries too? Please specify me with details regarding to this matter.

Our troops remaining in Iraq has not allowed that government to step forward' and look after their own people, as the Obama campaign states, which I totally agree with.



Ivan Kweku said...

The statement you made about how the middle eastern conflicts have been going on for centuries holds true to me. there appears to be no significant sign of order in Iraq, however, it is also understandable that the troops cannot be pulled out all at once. It makes the nation appear weak...

Volt-Air said...

I think that McCain doesn't want another Vietnam on his hands. It was a major part of his life, or at least that's what his campaign ads say. Maybe his point of view is more based on personal issues and republican dogma.

laurel said...

I had no idea that there were no real connections between Al Qaeda and Iraq. It is when I learn things like this that I feel more confident in my opinion that we need to end this war. Afghanistan clearly needs more attention than we are giving it. We are spending outrageous amounts of money in Iraq. If we could re-direct some of this so many different areas and issues could benefit.