Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Is it time to end the war?

It is time we ought to end this ongoing war. We are gaining nothing from it but loosing people's lives and putting the country in crisis. We invaded Iraq looking for weapon of mass destruction, however, we concluded that Iraq had ended its WMD programs back in 1991 and there were no active programs at the time of the invasion. Although at the time it did not seem like it, but rushing into an unnecessary war clearly shows bad judgment on our behalf.


With the economy crisis taking all the attention and focus, the Iraq war has seen it's importance to the campaign diminish. Since the surge, the public is now happy with how the war is progressing, however that is not to change the fact that the majority of the people want to end the war.

The mortgage crisis has had its play in the current economy crisis, but there is no way we can spend at least $800 billion on the war and somehow say that it does not affect the country. We are investing on something that has no direct returns. The Iraq War itself is now the second longest war in the US history and second most costly war since World War II.


Ending the war does not ultimately mean losing it as suggested by those in favor of the war. Ending this war means bringing the troops back home and concentrating on strengthening the US. At the moment we have no direct goal for our presence in Iraq, we are still there and loosing soldiers for literally nothing... making no gains and losing lives. How can ending this crisis be our loss?


Patricia Laya said...

The war has definitely gone on for too long... 800 billion dollars could have been used for so many more useful things!
And, the most important thing... the thousands of people who have lost their loved ones.
War is never the solution.
I can´t wait to see what you come up with for this blog!

Brad Green said...

Well, I have to disagree with your original opinion that Iraq had ended its weapons program. If the US stopped making nukes, but kept a large cache of the ones we have, would you say we ended our nuclear weapons program? Just like this, Iraq still had large stashes of chemical weapons that had been recently used against their people.

Are you mixing up the ideas of, "people supporting our troops" and "people thinking the war is going well?" Its like a bucket filled with water, but it has alot of holes in it. We have successfully plugged many of the holes with our fingers, but the second we leave the region, the bucket will continue to leak. Their are fundamental differences that prevent the Sunnis and Shiites from being able to live peacefully together, and Iran has complicated the issue with added pressure militarily. The war is not going well, just giving the appearance of going well.

Dont get me wrong, but if we leave, we LOSE the war. Now, that is not to say that we should not leave, I believe we should, but as leaving will allow the opposition forces to retake Iraq, leaving will in fact be losing the war. We have not put enough of our emphasis on strategic border defense and training of Iraqi troops, and they will not be able to hold out once we have left.

laurel said...

I must admit I am torn between the issue of the War in Iraq. I know that there is no victory in this war and when people way we will lose it if we pull out (no offense Brad Green) I feel as if they want us to keep fighting for the wrong reasons. I am torn simply because I am not educated on military procedures. I know this war must end, we must stop using all of our troops in Iraq when there are other areas that we are neglecting, we must stop spending so much money, we must look at the war in the middle east differently than war in other areas because its complex history makes it different. But I am not educated enough to know when and how we should end this war. Hopefully this blog will help me become more educated.

Swidge said...

When we first invaded Iraq, I was in full support of the plan of action. However, now I believe our troops have "worn out our welcome" so to speak. The war with Iraq has cost us hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of lives. I politically am in favor of using force on another country, but we should save our firepower for when we actually need it. We need to pull our troops out of Iraq. It has gone on too long.