Tuesday, October 28, 2008


America has lost 4500 lives and Iraq has lost about 420,000. The war has down slowed our economy, e.g.   so far, the estimated cost of the war is around the mark of $3 trillion and this does not take into account the interests paid to finance the war, costs for caring for the troops that return and the cost it will take to reconstruct Iraq ones the war ends. 

Sadly, if the war is not solved it will be the future generations that will be responsible for caring the burden the war will leave, both socially and financially and a disservice to our troops serving there. 

In addition, as we fail to solve this issue, we will also put ourselves in greater danger as we will not be fighting Al Qaeda but making enemies with the Iraqis who want US out of their country, if we put ourselves in the Iraqis place, what would it mean to have someone invade our country, destroy our economy, cause death and cause displacement of millions?   


Energy4tomorrow said...

I agree that it's time to end the war. I know that the objectives we are trying to achieve in Iraq have changed over the course of the war, but if I'm not mistaken, our latest objectives were to help the Iraqis in their efforts to achieve some level of stability. I don't know if we've achieved that, and it's a complicated issue because it's tough to know how long we should keep working toward that goal if it's looking like the Iraqi government, military, police force, etc., can't sustain that stability without us. So should we stay or go? We all realize that one of the main criticisms in terms of how we dealt with Afghanistan was that we left too soon and the region destabilized, and now we're looking at going back.

john said...

We have achieved some sort of stability, and this is what I agree on with Obama, we ought to leave and let the Iraq government learn and take initiatives in solving their own problems. If not, McCain is not kidding when he says we could be there for more than 100 years, which will be dreadful.